Monday, June 21, 2010

Enjoy Your Stay at Florblanca while Enjoying a Good Conscience

Sustainability at Florblanca
Hotel Florblanca is located in Santa Teresa, one of the most beautiful beaches of Costa Rica. Visitors to this hotel will not only be able to enjoy the natural beauty, tranquility and biodiversity this area has to offer, but especially can enjoy their holiday with a clear conscience, knowing that Florblanca has many efforts in place to sustain its natural surroundings. For instance monthly beach clean-ups are organized as well as a recycling and waste program as well as resource conservation. Apart from environmental activities, the social aspect of sustainability also plays a big part at Florblanca; sponsoring English classes for the local school, organizing a first aid course, salsa classes, sponsoring uniforms for the local soccer team are among a few of the various activities undertaken. Read more about Florblanca`s interesting sustainability philosophy and activities below:

At Florblanca we understand that we can´t be simple observers, we need to become involved. We have been inspired by a phrase of Albert Einstein “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

The more we get to know and relate to this environment, the more we understand how deeply fragile it is. We don’t have all the information nor all the answers, but we are sure thirsty for knowledge and very enthusiastic of every step we make.

We are constantly brainstorming for new ideas that come from everywhere; our guests, our partners and mainly our staff. We get great joy in every step we make forward on this endless but exciting journey towards sustainability.

Auto analysis

Understanding the patterns of our behavior, the way we do business and our environment has become a fundamental roll of this process. On this area we are:- Measuring our water and energy consumption:
• Weighing the amount of waste
• Analyzing each month our waste water
• Enlisting data on all the electric equipment, its working schedule and its maintenance
• Implementing emergency plans
• Investing in training for our employees
• Carefully analyzing the comments of our clients, and trying to implement their ideas with regard to sustainable tourism
Being evaluated through the most serious certification program for Sustainable Tourism in
• Costa Rica, called CST.

Recycling and Waste Management Program

• We are aware that pollution is one of the main threats to our environment and to our society; therefore, we have decided not only to implement a large effort in the waste management program of Florblanca, but to be promoters of this program in our commun ity: We clean daily our beach in front of the hotel and once a month we do a beach clean up of one kilometer.
• Complete recycling program in the hotel and in the beaches nearby.
• Recycle our organic waste through composting or arranging with pig breeders of the community to take advantage of our “left overs” to feed their animals.
• Help create a recycling business owned by a local member of the community who picks up the community recyclable goods (glass, aluminum, plastic bottles and tetra brick packages), to sell them to the recycling companies.
• A system of recycled paper from our office paper waste to present messages for the staff on sustainability subjects.
• Installation of water filters in different strategic locations and giving our guests biodegradable drinking devices to diminish water bottle consumption.
• The construction of a water treatment plant for the hotel is about to start, meanwhile we have built a bio-filter to treat the residual waters from the kitchen.
• We are using biodegradable cleaning products and reusable containers for soap, shampoo and rinse throughout the hotel.
• The packaging of “to go” food in the restaurant is with biodegradable containers.

Resource Conservation

• All villas offer an infrastructure that invites natural light into restaurant and villas.
• Sola tube technology on the roofs to lighten the offices with natural light.
• Energy efficient light bulbs and equipment.
• Messages and friendly reminders throughout the hotel to create awareness of light and water conservation.
• Dimmers to manage different light intensities.
• Giving the option to all guests of changing the linens and towels every three days rather than daily in the villas.
• Special devices to diminish water use in toilets.
• Kitchen faucets with pressure to reduce water consumption.
• Electric cars to transport laundry and merchandise.
• Encourage our clients to visit the National Park Cabo Blanco, the Wildlife Reserve Arío-Caletas and the Animal Shelter Rainsong Sanctuary.
• We have supported the “Bandera Azul Ecológica Program” for Santa Teresa and Hermosa Beach through our participation on the Environmental Commission of Malpais-Carmen-.Santa Teresa-Hermosa.
• Our security guard, located at the beach entrance of the hotel, has instruction s on how to protect the turtle nests.
• Grounds lights are installed taking into consideration turtle nesting and wildlife.
• A system of rock drains manages rain water runoff on the property.
• Trees and palms on our property are properly named for a self-guided tour.

Interaction with the community

• Provide uniforms to the local soccer team of Bello Horizonte Community.
• For the past three years on Christmas, the Florblanca staff donates money to buy presents for the most humble families of the community.
• We have a bulletin board that has become a communication channel where the local community can invite staff and guests to social and recreational activities
• English classes have been provided to the staff
• A teacher sponsored by Florblanca has given the English course at the Public School of Santa Teresa
• We have organized activities to collect money to pay for the English books the children use in the Public Santa Teresa School.
• With the Hermosa Valley School, we have organized different events for the community:
• Sports Fair Recycling Fair Community Security Fair
• First aid course with the Red Cross
• Training to the staff on using extintors and other trainings to prepare our emergency plan
• We offer Sunday Salsa Classes during some seasons.
• We contribute with the Harmony Music School of Pochote Beach by donations, and by hiring its orchestra to host a concert at our hotel. and
• Certified organic coffee and teas are offered in the restaurant and gift shop. We also always strive to sell certified organic produce, free-range chicken, local pork, and sustainable fish in our Nectar Restaurant when available.
• With the proper assessment, we offer our help when we find injured animals.
• We signed the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism.

“We want to use our webpage not only as source to present you a glimpse of what we have been working on, but also we want to use it as a tool where you can get to know our amazing initiatives that are enriching our community and are helping to preserve our environment.”

For more information on Florblanca and its sustainability efforts, visit:

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