Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grano de Oro chosen 2nd best restaurant for business in San José center by Costa Rican managers!

The Costa Rican magazine Eka states how experimenting with restaurants might be fun at times, however there are occasions at which it is important to know what to expect in terms of taste and service. Since lunches and dinners are frequently-used occasions for business purposes, the importance of a certain standard becomes ever more crucial For this reason Eka, the magazine for managers and entrepreneurs, has started a survey among its readers in order to find Costa Rica`s best restaurants. A total of 173 readers have responded.

The result being very positive for Hotel Grano de Oro`s public restaurant. In the category of best business restaurant in the center of San Josè, this location is the 2nd favorite of Eka readers consisting mainly of top level executives.
So the next time you find yourself in San José center for business purposes you know the place to go… enjoy your meal!

The complete article can be found at:
EKA La Reviste Empresaria.
No. 360 / Julio 2010-07-12
Especial de Restaurantes, Pagina 21.
For more information about Grano de Oro, visit:

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