Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Eco Tourism Destination - TIES

Costa Rica selected as “Eco-Tourism Destination” for its stand on Carbon Neutral Gas EmissionsThe International EcoTourism Society – TIES, one of the most revered ecotourism organizations in the world; last month named Costa Rica an “EcoTourism Destination” as a result of the country’s program to mitigate carbon gas emissions into the atmosphere. Each month TIES selects a destination to be promoted worldwide for its contribution to nature. Last February, Costa Rica was selected due to its “Clean Travel” program; a tool that will allow visitors to donate funds to offset their carbon gas emissions on flights to the Central American nation.“Clean Travel” is a Costa Rican Government initiative to enable visitors to the country to contribute to the preservation of forests, watersheds and biodiversity by offsetting those carbon gas emissions with environmental services.

1 comment:

gillian said...

All countries are into Eco-tourism destination. People are into it. It was a good news to all countries. Costa Rica is one of the countries of provides eco tourism and I experience that because i travel a lot and I was given a chance to visit the country. Very nice and very clean. I'll keep coming back to Costa Rica every now and then. blue taj hotel