Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Surfing South - Hotel Cuna del Angel in Dominical

Algún surfo? O interesado en aprender a surfear? Uvita se considera como nivel intermedio para realizar la actividad del surf, seguidamente de playa Hermosa, la cual es la playa más cercana al hotel y subiendo el nivel avanzados estaría playa Dominical. Nunca es tarde para empezar!Adelante, que pensás?

Do you surf? Or are you interested in learning how to ? Uvita is considered intermediate level for surfing activites, followed by Playa Hermosa, which is the beach closest to the hotel. Further up the scale, Playa  Dominical, which is also in close proximity to the hotel, is considered advanced level for surfing. It is never too learn to start, what do you think?

For more information, have a look at Hotel Cuna del Angel here.

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