Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Brand Image of Small Distinctive Hotels

We are pleased to present the newly developed corporate image of
Small Distinctive Hotels

Our new slogan: 
Naturally Exclusive!

Developing this new corporate image has been a long and intensive process, which included the elaboration of a complete concept of what our brand represents. One of the brainstorming sessions yielded a very interesting result. The exercise focused on the personification of the brand Small Distinctive Hotels, and we would like to share the outcome with you below:

If Small Distinctive Hotels were a person, this would be...

a man between 35 and 45 years old with short hair, measuring 1.80cm, who takes cares of  his health and generally eats wholesome foods, although he does enjoy a treat from time to time. His nationality is Costa Rican, however he has absolved his studies abroad. He speaks various languages, is married and has kids.

Casually dressed, he is genuine without being pretentious, nevertheless he always appears perfectly presentable. He is an approachable person, self-confident, with excellent manners, and profound general cultural knowledge. He enjoys nature, exercise, culinary activities, traveling, and getting to know quiet and intimate spots to relax in new places. 

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