Thursday, September 23, 2010

Arenas del Mar Resort: Staff organizes construction of colleagues‘ homes after tropical storm

On the night of June 1st this year, the tropical storm Agatha hit Costa Rica and caused a lot of damage in the area of Manuel Antonio. Many local families were affected and lost their homes, among which two employees of the Arenas del Mar Beach and Nature Resort whose houses were hit by a tree.

One of the two particularly unlucky employees, who „literally had a tree landing in the middle of their houses“ is Maritza Rezes, who works in the laundry area at the hotel since two years. The main damage to her house in Manuel Antonio was caused to the bathroom, bedroom as well as the kitchen – the latter only partly, since luckily the tree split in half. The other employee whose house was totally destroyed as a result of the storm is Jenny Flores, who works in the housekeeping department since two years. As a single mother with three little children Jenny’s resources are scarce, so the house was already in bad shape when the tree fell on it, which resulted in its entire destruction.
Colleagues from all departments of the hotel felt motivated to help, which eventually led to a fundraising event organized by the human resources department, in which all employees participated.

Maritza offered to take care of the construction of her new house herself, with the material that the hotel had bought for her. In Jenny’s case the hotel donated the material and the raised money was used to hire a master builder for two weeks to help build the house.

Since the money was not sufficient to hire a troop of construction workers, members of the hotel staff volunteered to participate in the construction work. Even though these volunteers did not have any knowledge regarding construction, their desire to help motivated them as they were instructed by the master builder. The Human Resources department organized the daily logistics of the volunteers.

 Upon constructing the house, the volunteering employees noticed that Jenny had not had chairs or a television in her house. So as a surprise, the hotel donated a game room and a colleague royally gifted a 27-inch television.

“It was the most beautiful moment when she arrived at her new home and saw everything”, an involved member of the hotel staff states.

We congratulate Arenas del Mar and the entire hotel staff on this beautiful initiative showing that dreams can indeed come true! 

For more information about Arenas del Mar Beach and Nature Resort, please visit:

Arenas del Mar Resort:

Small Distinctive Hotels:

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