Tuesday, June 16, 2009

La PazWarterfall Gardens Opened!!!

Five months later since the Earthquake of Vara Blanca, this magical place full of verdant sceneries, views to the Poás volcano and attractions such as a butterfly observatory, aviary, hummingbirds garden, ranarium, serpentarium, and a trail for the two first waterfalls, has opened its doors recently.

This was a huge effort from the owners and all the staff, who depend of their jobs in Waterfall Gardens, all helped to paint, to organize, to take care of animals, to restore the buildings, to clean, etc … all of them became in an united family who achieved to reopen it and start activating the local economy.

On July, Peace Lodge will be opening 8 of its beautiful rooms. During these months, special rates are available for national and international tourists.

Don´t miss the one day tour while you are in San José… you will be impressed by the beauty of nature!!!

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