Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Blue Flag Program - Arenas del Mar

Since 2006, the beach located in front of Arenas Del Mar (known as Playitas) has coveted the prestigious Blue Flag (Bandera Azul Ecolgica) award. This program, based on a similar model developed in Europe, works towards the sustainable development of Costa Ricas beaches through strict criteria dealing with water quality, environmental education and information, environmental management, and safety and other services.

Whenever you see a Blue Flag located on one of Costa Rica beaches, you will know that the surrounding community is working rigorously to better its:

Water Quality by assuring that sea water is suitable for swimming and other recreational activities.

Waste Management, assuring that no untreated waters go directly into nearby steams and oceans, and that a recycling and trash collection program is in place.

Environmental education by providing workshops and training to students and the surrounding population.

Safety and administration, assuring that beaches are safe for the general public.

The Bandera Azul is a volunteer certification that incorporates both private and public sectors. In the case of Playitas Beach specifically, Arenas Del Mar has taken a leadership role in obtaining certification. During your stay, we ask for your cooperation in maintaining our beaches clean and pristine. Thank you!

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