Friday, September 19, 2008


Just a few days ago, Hotel Casa Turire had the opportunity of signing a new agreement with ICE, who is in charge and management of all the lands surrounding La Angostura Lake, a hydroelectric project located just a door step from our hotel and surrounding our property on the north and south sides.

The ICE has two hydroelectric projects in cascade, Cachi and Angostura Lakes, which both together generate 277 MW per hour and provides 38% of the national hydroelectricity.
This agreement allows us to built two trails one of 1.5 kilometers and the other 2 kilometers of length.

First trail, 1.5 km. Will have emphasis in ethno-botany, as matter of fact, information concerning how plants are used as medicine for humans, whether it has been studied or is information passed from generation to generation as a cultural practice.

This trail will have the modality of Auto-guided trail, therefore clients will have the chance to purchase the booklet at our reception and follow the stations at their own pace.

Second trail, 2 km. It is focus as a new approach to nature, “healthy tourism” (vita Parcour fitness trail) we considered it is totally new in Costa Rica and certainly will be followed by many other hotels, perhaps private reserves around the country.

Vita Parcour fitness trail give you the opportunity to stay fit at your level, free of charge, at whatever time suits you. Every circuit features different exercises aimed at muscle training, flexibility and/or endurance. Alternatively, you can simply go for a jog along the sign posted trails.

It consists of 15 stations along the trails and in everyone of them a different exercise to perform, all them marked with colors which indicates the difficulty of it, besides showing the exercise possible for the station. Stations will be built with bamboo and other natural materials found at the property, meaning that the settings will be totally natural.
This idea of enjoying nature as well as the possibility of staying fit without charge was created in Switzerland and the idea was brought to us by Mr. Daniel Allemann.
The name we are adopting for this type of trails will be “CIRCUITO DE VIDA”.
Consequently, we are creating or enhancing the activities our clients can perform at Hotel Casa Turire without leaving our property.

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