Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Birds and Hotel Casa Turire

Lovely Cotinga

If there is something we assure to our guest is the great diversity of avifauna we can offer at our hotel.

Our location between two very important mountain ranges makes Hotel Casa Turire a very special birding spot. Turrialba Volcano on the north side providing middle elevation to higlands species (600 to 3350 mts asl) and the beginning of Talamanca mountain range (600 to 1500 mts asl) on the southeast; were most of the endemism occur in Costa Rica, not only with avifauna but botanically as well, since it is part of the oldest lands of Costa Rica.

We have create a birdchecklist for the Hotel grounds so do nearby areas where our guest can discover and learn about our local avifauna. Only for the area of Hotel Casa Turire over 180 species have been recorded up to this moment, and be sure as the migrant species approach many other sorprises will engrose our checklist.

For the sorrounding areas such Tuis River Valley, CATIE and Cerro Silencio, another 137 plus different species has been added so far.

The most important about the species that can be found in our area is that several of them are very hard to find elsewhere in our country.

To name a few of them:
Lanceolated Monklet
Lovely Cotinga
Rufous Browed Tyrannulet
Red Breasted Blackbird
Tropical Mockingbird
Resplendent Quetzal

Therefore we invite you to visit the Turrialba area, stay at Hotel Casa Turire and enjoy all the attractions located just around the corner and of course discover and learn about the treasure we have at our door step, the birds.

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