Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Working for a Sustainable Tourisim

Florblanca’s quest for obtaining our CST (Certificate of Sustainable Tourism) leaves has made us revalue ourselves completely, letting us set a more clear vision of where we want to go and what impact we want to have over our clients, our staff, our community and the environment.

Lucky for us, we have staff in all departments (housekeeping, maintenance, accounting, reception, reservations, security and management), that has the best will to participate and collaborate with the new activities and changes we are developing at Florblanca and Reserva Hotel.

We have taken big steps forward on recycling. We began by focusing on separating the garbage of the hotel. This task required educating the staff, creating infrastructure as well as setting a new plan on managing our solid waste and especially our organic wastes, which we are converting into compost.

After teaching our staff, we started working at a community level. We have proudly helped setup a collection center managed by a local we like to call “Gato”. On June 5th, the international day of the environment, we are kicking off with a recycling program for the communities of Santa Teresa, El Carmen, Hermosa and Manzanillo. Prior to this day, a member of Florblanca’s staff will go door by door explaining the recycling program to the community with brochures and examples of what can be recycled and what cannot be recycled.

Electricity conservation has been also one of our top priorities, therefore; we have just installed solar lights in most of our offices and our kitchen allowing these spaces to be illuminated with natural light from the sun. We have also changed most of our light bulbs to more energy saving bulbs.

At a social level, we have reached out to our community in a number of ways. We have made contributions to paint a school in Paquera, to build the bullring of Cóbano, to help organize the annual sand castle contests in Manzanillo, and to help a 15 year old surfer of our community that qualified get to France for international competitions. Two of our workers volunteered to help MOPT build the bridge from Playa Hermosa to Manzanillo. Florblanca signed a code of conduct rejecting commercial sexual exploitation in travel and tourism. We are happy to sponsor the soccer team of Bello Horizonte, and we also send our maintenance personal for a beach clean up every Friday. Florblanca is committed to its neighbors.

1 comment:

japri19 said...

Very good information Thanks for sharing with us.

4x4 Costa Rica