Monday, February 18, 2008

Casa Turire... witness of an active volcano

As many of you may or may not know the magical backdrop of our picturesque hotel is the magnificent Turrialba volcano.

Over many years this volcano lay silent amongst the Turrialba valley providing an exciting place for tours, the land provides excellent soil for farmers and an elegant touch to the landscape of the area.

Tourists who have visited the volcano marvel at the fact that they can get so close to an active volcano. The vegetation around the craters is something special as it is a bit difficult to survive as a plant around a volcano.

Over the last few months the Costa Rican authorities on volcanoes OVISCORI ( has been keeping a close eye on our friendly giant as she has been releasing some tension.

We have all watched in awe as day by day we see the volcano begin to blow off steam and lately is has been something a little bit more common.

Through many field trips led by OVISCORI there have been a number of changes to the area immediately around the volcano, some of the changes are: vegetation is being affected by the release of gases, some of the houses in the area are experiencing more rust on the roofs and cattle fences and of course the visits to the craters of the volcano are limited to a shorter period of time.

Many people may think; how scary an active volcano!
But we can assure you here as our guest that you be in wonder as you have the chance to sit safely and view the volcano from the balcony of your suite.
Some information on the Turrialba volcano:
3340m above sea level
Last eruption: February 1866
3 principal craters

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