Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Five Star Guests at Capitan Suizo!

We have the privilege to introduce our two special guests: Alice & Sophie. They are two baby howler monkeys that unfortunately lost their families. Alice was found one morning walking through the hotel garden. We brought her to the veterinary and he informed us that she was brought to him after an (unknown) accident and that he had to amputate the tale because it was very much damaged. Since then Alice is living with us. Her family is visiting Capitan Suizo frequently. When the troop is here, Alice spends some time with the family. For our guests and all of us it’s beautiful to observe it.

A couple weeks later a tourist found Sophie walking alone on the road and after a veterinarian check the hotel took care of her as well. Both of them are very cute and they require to be close to someone as they are used in the troop. A big part of the hotel staff is helping taking care of the two babies. But since this is a fulltime job, the hotel hired a “babysitter” for 8 hours a day to make sure that they feel comfortable and happy at our place and that the hotel is a good home for them until they are strong and skilful enough to join the group one day.

Birds, howler monkeys, squirrels, gray iguanas, armadillos, skunks and raccoons are animals that can be seen almost daily throughout the hotel’s garden since Capitan Suizo is an oasis where it is implicit that nature and animals are integrated with love and respect. This is why probably Julius, a 6 year old guest in Capitan Suizo, called the property “the zoo hotel”.

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