Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy Independence Day in Costa Rica!

Each year on September 15th, Costa Rica (as well as El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua) celebrates its independence from the Spanish rule.

190 years ago these countries were Spanish colonies, until a variety of factors led to their decision to separate from Spain. Among these factors were the strong control and tax system imposed by the Spanish government as well as the revolutionary ideas brought by the French revolution.

Once these new ideas reached the region, the ‘Captaincy General of Guatemala’ was formed. Its leaders, among which representatives from Costa Rica, began a negotiation process which eventually led to the drafting of the Act of Independence which was later recognized by the Spanish crown. On September 15th, 1821 the Declaration of Independence for all of Central America was finally signed in Guatemala. 

September 15th is now a national holiday in Costa Rica and stage to a variety of colorful celebrations. Festivities begin on the night of September 14th, when a runner arrives from Nicaragua into the colonial capital of Cartago, handing over the “freedom torch” to the president in an official ceremony. After the national anthem is sung, a parade of faroles (candle lanterns made by children) is held on the streets and followed by dance performances of children in traditional costumes. The night is completed with the obligatory fireworks.

The next day, festivities continue when a larger parade takes place on the morning of September 15th with traditional music bands including trompets, drums and dance. If you happen to be in Costa Rica this day, we definitely recommend you to visit one of the parades which are being held in most districts. Take this chance to experience and be a part of real “Tico” celebrations!

We wish everyone a happy Costa Rican Independence Day!!