Sunday, January 20, 2013

Have you visited San Jose's Central Market?

If you come to San José, Costa Rica, visiting The Central Market is a must. This market was built in 1880 and it was declared as a cultural heritage site in 1995.

It is a popular market, very crowded and with narrow corridors full of life and manifestations of popular culture including cuisine, crafts and herbalism.

There are a lot of booths with people selling all kind of products like: crafts, flowers, spices, candles, and anything you can imagine.

This market remains the center where hundreds of Costa Ricans meet daily to shop, eat and share their culture.

Don't miss the opportunity to visit this wonderful place.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Celebrating New Year's in Costa Rica

Happy New Year from Small Distinctive Hotels

Here in Costa Rica, many locals have left their city homes for the holiday and flocked to the beach to enjoy the summer sunshine, tropical warm water and fresh cool breezes that we experience during this time of year.

The holidays, and especially New Year's, is also a popular time for visitors from other countries to visit as well.  Parties are held in restaurants and bars and everyone is in a celebratory, happy mood.  The spirit of pura vida permeates throughout Costa Rica.

On New Year's Eve, many locals will celebrate with family and friends, enjoying a meal that normally has a pork dish. Everyone stays up until midnight to ring in the new year and often times, you'll hear fireworks going off in the local neighborhoods.

New Year's Day is a holiday and people will often take the day to rest from the festivities of the night before and meet with friends and family throughout the day.  If you happen to be in San Jose, be sure to check out the dance festival held in Parque Central.

Is one of your New Year's Resolutions to celebrate 2013's New Year's Eve here at one of our nine luxury hotels located throughout Costa Rica?  Be sure to make your reservation early as we tend to book up fast for this celebratory occasion! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy Independence Day in Costa Rica!

Each year on September 15th, Costa Rica (as well as El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua) celebrates its independence from the Spanish rule.

190 years ago these countries were Spanish colonies, until a variety of factors led to their decision to separate from Spain. Among these factors were the strong control and tax system imposed by the Spanish government as well as the revolutionary ideas brought by the French revolution.

Once these new ideas reached the region, the ‘Captaincy General of Guatemala’ was formed. Its leaders, among which representatives from Costa Rica, began a negotiation process which eventually led to the drafting of the Act of Independence which was later recognized by the Spanish crown. On September 15th, 1821 the Declaration of Independence for all of Central America was finally signed in Guatemala. 

September 15th is now a national holiday in Costa Rica and stage to a variety of colorful celebrations. Festivities begin on the night of September 14th, when a runner arrives from Nicaragua into the colonial capital of Cartago, handing over the “freedom torch” to the president in an official ceremony. After the national anthem is sung, a parade of faroles (candle lanterns made by children) is held on the streets and followed by dance performances of children in traditional costumes. The night is completed with the obligatory fireworks.

The next day, festivities continue when a larger parade takes place on the morning of September 15th with traditional music bands including trompets, drums and dance. If you happen to be in Costa Rica this day, we definitely recommend you to visit one of the parades which are being held in most districts. Take this chance to experience and be a part of real “Tico” celebrations!

We wish everyone a happy Costa Rican Independence Day!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Did you know that Small Distinctive Hotels is also active on Twitter? You can find us at @SDHCostaRica and the majority of our members hotels too!

To stay updated on the latest updates of your favourite hotels, simply click the links below to follow them:

Hotel Grano de Oro
San José

Arenas del Mar Beach and Nature Resort
Manuel Antonio
Twitter: @ArenasDelMar

Hotel Florblanca
Santa Teresa

Hotel Casa Turire
Twitter: @CasaTurire


Hotel Cuna del Angel
Twitter: @CunadelAngel

Hotel Villa Caletas
Twitter: @VillaCaletasCR

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

National Parks Day in Costa Rica

Think of Costa Rica and you will probably see images of beautiful environments with lush green rainforests, breathtaking waterfalls, impressive volcanoes as well as exotic plants and flowers and captivating wildlife… And you are completely right! Costa Rica is indeed an ideal destination for those of us in search of natural beautiful surroundings.

Not only does Costa Rica offer the most amazing environmental landscapes, the country is moreover absolutely dedicated to preserving its natural treasures. One important way is that currently approximately 93 percent of its energy comes from alternative sources and the country is dedicated to becoming carbon-neutral by 2021. The country’s most valuable assets however are its national parks, did you know that nearly 25 percent of Costa Rica’s nature is protected as national parks? And to honor its special commitment of conserving its national parks, the country has dedicated an entire day to them, called the “Dia de las Parques Nacionales”, the Day of National Parks, which takes place today, August 24th.

To celebrate this special day, we would like to introduce to you the most special of Costa Rica’s national parks:

Manuel Antonio National Park
Located only seven kilometers southeast of Quepos, Manuel Antonio has one of the most beautiful beaches of the country, set against emerald-green forests and lush hillsides. Besides being blessed by nature, Manuel Antonio is also lucky when it comes to accommodations and facilities. Small Distinctive Hotels offers its highly luxurious and highly sustainable Arenas del Mar Beachfront and Rainforest Resort here.
Courtesy of

Braulio Carrillo National Park
The tropical rain forest of Braulio Carrillo is located only 20 kilometers northeast of the capital city of San José, which can be perfectly combined with our city boutique hotel Grano de Oro. This breathtaking flora and fauna sanctuary is an emerald-green mass of vegetation, tropical plants and waterfalls... Noone that visits the Braulio Carrillo National Park can escape feeling a sense of awe because of its beauty and magnitude.
Courtesy of

Volcan Poas National Park
Volcan Poas offers a luxuriant forest surrounding two craters and four different habitats: areas with scarce vegetation, a stunted forest, a cloud forest, and an area without vegetation. Among the mammals found here are the coyotes, long-tailed weasels, skunks and some small felines. If you see a greenish-yellow squirrel, take a good look at it, because it’s the Poas green-yellow squirrel, and as its name suggests, it’s only found in this park, and nowhere else in the whole world! If you would like to continue enjoying Costa Rica’s nature, the nearby Peace Lodge with its stunning Waterfall Gardens is the place.
Courtesy of

Marino Ballena National Park
Marino Ballena National Park is named after the Humpback Whales that migrate here each year from December to April. Established in 1990, the park contains the largest coral reef on the Pacific side of Central America. The water just off shore provides wonderful snorkeling as the park is mostly oceanic, except for the mangrove and wildlife riddled 9.3 miles (15 km) of coastline. Located closeby this stunning national park lies our angelic Hotel Cuna del Angel.
Courtesy of

Piedras Blancas National Park
Piedras Blancas National Park is a national park which is part of the Osa Conservation Area. The flora is among the richest on the planet, encompassing several thousand different species of plants and hundreds of trees. The park is also home to a number of rare trees, as well as all five species of cats (the ocelot, margay, jaguarundi, puma and jaguar) as well as toucans and scarlet macaws, kinkajous and coatis, white-faced capuchin and spider monkeys, as well as the two-toed sloth, anteater, and over 53 species of bats. It can be easily understood why the Osa region was described as “the most biologically intense place on earth” by magazine National Geographic. To immerse yourself in this beautiful spot of nature, Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge provides the perfect experience.
Courtesy of

Carara National Park
This national park is especially popular among birdwatchers, with high chances of spotting the rare and endangered Scarlet Macaw. The fact that the park is situated between two distinct ecosystems presents an opportunity to spot birds from both habitats. The name of the park derives from the indigenous Huetar language and means crocodiles, of which plenty can be spotted and almost year round on the Río Tarcoles. The excellent starting point for an expedition to this national park, is our highly luxurious Hotel Villa Caletas.
Courtesy of

Turrialba National Park
The Turrialba volcano is one of the various active volcanoes of Costa Rica. Covered in dense vegetation, it looks out over an enormous area of mostly mountain rainforest. The various lava flows in Turrialba National Park still remind visitors of the once flowing rivers of hot magma. The hiking trails around the park provide plenty of opportunities to watch the typical smaller Costa Rican wildlife. When reaching the summit, spectacular 360-degree views await you. Our member Hotel Casa Turire is perfectly located for excursions to this exciting national park.
Courtesy of

Marino las Baulas National Park
This national park is located on the Pacific coast and named after the leatherback sea turtles that nest here every year. They are the largest marine reptiles and also the most endangered. The park consists of roughly 445 hectares of mangrove swamps and coastlines and is made up of four beaches. Besides the impressive leatherbacks, crocodiles, capuchin monkeys, and raccoons are among the typical animals that can be spotted at this national park. Trips to this impressive national park can be undertaken from Hotel Capitan Suizo in Tamarindo.
Courtesy of

Cabo Blanco Nature Reserve
The Cabo Blanco Nature Reserve is situated at the extreme southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula. Not only does it rank among the most beautiful reserves of Costa Rica, it was also the first protected area of the country in 1963. The forest is classified as moist tropical forest and is home to a large variety of animals such as white-tailed deer, pacas, armadillos, anteaters, howler, spider and capuchin monkeys, collared peccary, coyotes, porcupines, raccoons and coatis. With a keen eye you can find traces of ocelots, jaguarundis or margay cats. To view all these exotic animals up close, we recommend you book your stay at Florblanca Resort and take a journey from there.
Courtesy of

Friday, July 15, 2011

A Well-Kept Secret in Manuel Antonio

Costa Rica is home to a wide variety of tropical beaches, lush rainforests, verdant mountain sceneries, waterfalls, volcanoes and many more natural attractions, a great part of which lie protected in national parks. One of the most popular and impressive national parks is the Manuel Antonio National Park located on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. With its enormous biodiversity and well-maintain pathways this park is an all-time favorite among visitors to the Manuel Antonio area. What if we were to tell you however, that this area hosts yet another wonderful though less well-known impressive- national park? 

The Rainmaker Reserve is one of the area’s best kept secrets. A privately-owned rainforest reserve, it hosts one of the last primary rainforests in Costa Rica and forms a true refuge for a wide variety of rare plants and animals. For instance, did you know that this park is home to 60% of all the flora and fauna species found in Costa Rica? 

The main purpose of this neo-tropical rainforest whose landscapes range from humid rain forest to misty cloud forest, is sustainable development. The Rainmaker Conservation Project, located in San Rafael Norte moreover actively supports the teachers and school in order to create awareness for the importance of rainforest conservation to those whose everyday existence is threatened by its loss. 

Only five percent of this natural reserve is open for tourism and offers a system of trails along the Río Seco River, completed by wooden bridges which allow you to traverse this enchanting jungle… The capturing views of the coastline, fresh mountain streams, splendid waterfalls and the astonishing beauty of the rainforest make this reserve the ideal destination for nature lovers. 

The perfect way to explore this naturally beautiful area of Costa Rica, is with a stay in the Arenas del Mar Beachfront and Rainforest Resort located right at the beach of Manuel Antonio. This luxurious and highly sustainable resort has very recently launched a new tour to the unique Rainforest Reserve. 

The Conservation Project located in San Rafael Norte moreover actively supports the teachers and school in order to create awareness for the importance of rainforest conservation to those whose everyday existence is threatened by its loss.

Only five percent of this natural reserve is open for tourism and offers a system of trails along the Río Seco River, completed by wooden bridges which allow you to traverse this enchanting jungle… The capturing views of the coastline, fresh mountain streams, splendid waterfalls and the astonishing beauty of the rainforest make this reserve the ideal destination for nature lovers. 

The perfect way to explore this naturally beautiful area of Costa Rica, is with a stay in the Arenas del Mar Beachfront and Rainforest Resort located right at the beach of Manuel Antonio. This luxurious and highly sustainable resort has very recently launched a new tour to the unique Rainforest Reserve.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Promoción Nueva para Nacionales y Residentes!

A partir del 1 hasta el 31 de Julio, Small Distinctive Hotels, Cayuga Sustainable Hospitality, Café Britt y Fresh Market, se han unido para crear la promoción “Relaja tus Sentidos.”

Busca en todos los locales de Fresh Market los productos de Café Britt y con tu tiquete de caja y datos personales quedas participando en la rifa de 10 fines de semana en uno de los exclusivos y hermosos hoteles de Small Distinctive Hotels o Cayuga Sustainable Hospitality.


Los premios incluyen:
2 noches en una habitación doble incluyendo:
2 desayunos por persona
2 cenas por persona
1 almuerzo por persona

Los Fresh Markets se encuentran en las siguientes localidades:
Rohrmoser Oeste
Santa Ana
Rohrmoser Anunciatura

“Relaja tus Sentidos”  Disfrutando los mejores cafés gourmet de Costa Rica, los deliciosos dulces y chocolates de Café Britt, y la posibilidad de un escape de descanso a los mejores hoteles estilo boutique del país. Más informaciones y  el reglamento de la promoción se encuentran aqui.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Small Distinctive Hotels' Coffee Tasting at Café Britt

Recently, the Small Distinctive Hotels Team and its members met at the Café Britt headquarters in Heredia where the entire Small Distinctive Hotels Group had the opportunity to taste the high-quality coffee provided by Café Britt:

With 6 empty cups before us, we little by little became more acquainted with the diverse tastes of this Costa Rican gourmet coffee. The grind, fresh beans were first pressed in a French Coffee Press for best taste as we learned. We learned about the process of growing excellent coffee beans, for instance how altitude affects the quality of the beans, as well as about the roasting process, followed by a tasting of the various roasts from the characteristic and mild light-roasted to the more sweet and chocolaty dark-roasted beans, as well as decafeinated coffee and finishing with a gourmet espresso.

For the coffee lovers among us, here is an overview of the different and distinct coffee flavors Café Britt features:

Café Britt Dark Roast embodies the tradition of gourmet Costa Rican coffee. Aged red wine, figs and dried fruits mellow its robust aroma. Its full-bodied flavor of strong coffee and dark chocolate makes for an  intense taste sensation. This classic blend takes its leave with distinction and elegance.

Café Britt Light Roast A great way to start your day! With an aroma reminiscent of freshly picked limes and flavor that hints of caramel and apricot, this blend enlivens the senses like a crisp sunrise. Firm of character, this high-mountain blend lingers on the palate, with a pleasant, subtle citrus finish. 

Café Britt Tarrazu is a blend for the coffee connoisseurs with a penchant for perfection. Grown in the rich volcanic soils of Costa Rica’s famed Tarrazu region, these choice Arabica coffee cherries are ripened evenly at 1,400 to 1,600 meters, hand-picked, sun dried and dark roasted for a unique taste. Café Britt Tarrazu will surprise you with a flavor that hints of cacao and grapefruit and an aroma of aged wood and dark chocolate. Its intensity fills the palate, then fades cheerfully.

Café Britt Decaffeinated Enjoy the taste of Costa Rican export-quality coffee without the caffeine. Café Britt Decaffeinated is carefully dark roasted for a delicate, clean taste hinting of honey and clove. An aroma of the seeds and dry leaves evokes a serene autumn afternoon. Its complexity intensifies as it cools, for a finish tinged with nostalgia.

Costa Rica Espresso Roast. It’s widely recognized that the natural sweetness and acidity of Costa Rica’s high-mountain Arabica beans make some of the world's best espresso. Café Britt enhances this uniqueness by carefully selecting and slowly roasting only the choicest gourmet coffee beans for a full-bodied flavor and ultra-rich consistency. Immerse you senses with a sip straight-up, or dressed up as a cappuccino, latte or café au lait.

The beautiful coffee farm, interesting and entertaining coffee tour as well as of course the delicious coffee, make the Café Britt farm a great place to visit on your next vacation to Costa Rica!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Green Season Specials!

Hotel Capitan Suizo:
May 15th to December 15, 2011
  • A couple massage (40 minutes) at Aromas del Mar Beach Front Spa
  • One romantic candlelight dinner for 2 people at the hotel beachfront restaurant*
  • A 10% discount in the hotel´s gift shop
  • Complementary Boogie boards, kayaks and bicycles
  • Daily Buffet Breakfast

Special Conditions:
  • Special package is available from May 15th to December 15, 2011.
  • 4 nights stay is required
  • Special package applies only for new bookings from this communication.
  • Promotions based in double occupancy.
  • Promotion applies to all room categories.
  • This promotion can not be combined with other promotions.
  • Rates according the rack rates 2011 published (commissionable)

*Complementary Dinner includes an appetizer, a main dish and a dessert, clients will be able to choose “A la Carte” from our regular menu. Beverages are not included

Peace Lodge
Until May 31, 2011

  • 50 minutes in room massages for only $30 per person.
  • Stay 3 nights and get a Free Waterfall Gardens Guided Tour
  • Stay 3 nights and get half price on our Poás Volcano and Doka Coffee Plantation Tour

Hotel Villa Caletas
From April 24 2011

Florblanca Resort
May 1st - December 14th 2011

If you stay 5 nights, the 5th night is free!
The resort does accept kids 6 years and older during this season.


Arenas del Mar Beachfront and Rainforest Resort 
April 25th - November 20th 2011

Complementary full a la carte
breakfast and two tours that should not be missed: Tortillas at Petatillo and “Easy Being Green” Tour. Free Internet and free international calls also included in the rate.

Small Distinctive Hotel Members on Twitter!

Did you know that many of our hotel members are also on Twitter?

To stay updated on the latest updates of your favourite hotels, simply click the links below to follow them:

Hotel Grano de Oro
San José



Arenas del Mar Beach and Nature Resort
Manuel Antonio
Twitter: @ArenasDelMar

Hotel Florblanca
 Santa Teresa

Hotel Casa Turire
Twitter: @CasaTurire



Hotel Cuna del Angel

Hotel Villa Caletas
Twitter: @VillaCaletasCR

Monday, May 16, 2011

Hotel Capitan Suizo in Tamarindo - Tours & Activities

Hotel Capitan Suizo is one of the few beach resorts located directly on Tamarindo, one of Costa Rica`s most beautiful and popular beaches. But even though Tamarindo is famous for its beach life, there are a plenty of other activities to undertake during your stay here... Capitan Suizo offers a variety of exciting and fascinating tours which can be booked directly from the hotel. For the activities offered in and around the hotel, you can directly scroll down to the bottom. Have fun!

Explore Costa Rica`s national park in surprising new ways and get acquainted with its typical wildlifeEstuary Tour at Tamarindo Wildlife Refuge
This two-hour boat ride will take you through waterways surrounded by mangrove vegetation, water birds, monkeys and iguanas. Turtle nesting at Marino Las Baulas National Park (during season). This tour takes place at the Marino Las Baulas National Park and it focuses on the natural
history and protection of the Leatherback Sea Turtle, the largest reptile on the planet.

Rincón de la Vieja National Park (Hiking)
Hike through the foothills of the nearest active volcano in the province of Guanacaste and admire the secondary activity of this volcano such us fumaroles, mud pots, and bubbling hot water.

Canopy and Hot Springs at Rincón de la Vieja
Check out the tropical forest in a different way by riding through the canopy of the forest on sliding cable lines connected to platforms built in the treetops. Experience a volcanic mud bath and enjoy the thermal water of the natural hot springs surrounded by tropical scenery.

Palo Verde National Park
This tour consists of a boat trip on the Tempisque River at Palo Verde National Park. It focuses on watching and learning about the species that inhabit this area such as water birds, crocodiles, iguanas and monkeys.

Tenorio Volcano National Park
The main attractions of this national park are a blue water waterfall and other sightseeing spots such as: hot water springs, forest crickets, a blue water lagoon and a blue river originated by the discharge of sulfates and other chemical substances.

Barra Honda National Park
Pure adventure and nature: in this park there are a lot of underground caves; there is one cave open to the public with many stalactite and stalagmite formations. You will also hike in the dry forest with panoramic views of the Tempisque River and Palo Verde National Park.

Corobici Floating Tour
This tour is an easy ride through the Corobici River on a rubber raft where you will have the opportunity to see the characteristic vegetation of the area as well as interesting wildlife like monkeys, iguanas and wading birds.

Scuba Diving Tour
This exciting tour will take you to the Catalina Islands that are a 45 minutes boat ride north of Tamarindo. You may see large manta rays, reef sharks, dolphins, turtles and hundreds of species of tropical fish. And is there a more beautiful way to end an exciting day with a spectacular sunset?

Other outdoor activities offered:
- Biking
- Catamaran Tour
- Golf (A beautiful 18 hole golf course is just 20 minutes by car from the hotel).
- Horseback riding
- Kayaking (tours or rental)
- Sailing
- Quad (ATV) tours
- Snorkeling
- Sport fishing
- Surfing (lessons or rental)
- Tennis (Tamarindo Tennis Club)

Available free of charge:
- American Football
- Badmington
- Beach toys
- Boccia
- Boogieboar d
- Football soccer
- Ping Pong
- Volleyball

For more information on tours and activities, have a look at the website of Hotel Capitan Suizo.